Sate Podcast 02 – Water We Going To Do?

Episode 2 of the Podcast has been uploaded to Youtube, and Apple Podcasts, Podbean, etc.

We had been hit with water damage, and it led us to meditating on some of the books on our shelf, how they came into our lives, and what they mean to us. Discussion goes to some fun places. Come there with us!

SATE Podcast – 01 – Hypnosis

Hypnosis had to be the first subject covered on our podcast. If you read this site in the years prior, you know I loved to post articles about the matter. Much of the information contained here is from my research compiled for a book I was (perhaps still am) writing, which is titled Magick Unveiled: Hypnotism and the Occult.

I believe this podcast goes deeper into the subject than any other available, as we don’t just approach it from the general mainstream perspective, we take the deep dive and look at how hypnosis ties into the occult, religion, and our daily lives. This episode is a whopper, nearly running 2 and a half hours. There is likely to be a part 2 follow-up soon, so be sure to listen to this content, let it digest, and then we can entertain the ideas further down the road.

Also, in this episode we ask ourselves the question… was Aleister Crowley a hypnotist? Our conclusion may or may not shock you.

We welcome your feedback, or if anything sticks out from your listen, either leave a comment here, or reach out on social media (preferably Instagram), and we’ll enter a discussion. Play the episode embedded below, we’re looking to get up on Spotify but first require 5 episodes to apply to be on the platform. Until then, check on our site for new episodes, or follow us on social media.

Find us on Social Media, click here for our Instagram.

Until next time! ✌️

SATE Podcast – Trying Times

The Start and the End hasn’t been updated in quite some time. We haven’t disappeared, and have been working away at bringing this project more into line with our minds and being.

We’ve launched a podcast… and I know what you’re likely thinking, guh, another one of those! However, we will aim to be quite different than others. We both look to bring an academic and thorough investigative approach to occult topics, as well as providing genuine conversation and humour to these matters. We do not want to be another podcast out there that’s reliant entirely upon its guests for its content, we love to learn and grow – as we used to write articles on this site, we’ve simply found a new way to present information which is more fun for all those involved… and hopefully more fun for you as the listener!

We do look to bring on the occasional guest, and will do special interviews, but expect to get familiar with our voices, which we look to find and flesh out in our undergoing this experiment. Please leave comments and feedback, we greatly appreciate hearing from you so that we’re not speaking across the abyss into the void!

The first episode is called Trying TImes, as we’re trying this out. We’re also in the midst of a pandemic and have undergone many changes and struggles in our personal lives. Let’s avoid the drivel of that, we’ll continue on and look forward to you coming along with us.